A podcast by Movify

Flux is an open conversation between digital leaders about what we are all obsessed about: digital products. It's a moment where we challenge the norm and explore the boundaries of design, experiences, and technology further.

Listen to Flux

A podcast about design and development

Listen to what experienced designers, developers and product specialists are up to recently. We exchange about our challenges, our successes and what comes next in our industry.

SpotifyApple Podcast

Meet your hosts

Isabelle has been hosting our Flux podcast since it first aired in March 2022. Yann joined her for the second season and has been involved as a host ever since.

Yann, UX Lead and Product Owner at Movify, has embarked on a quest to explore the dynamic realms of exceptional design, innovative products, and cutting-edge innovation through this podcast.

Isabelle is our UI lead at Movify. She believes that learning, teaching and sharing knowledge is a fundamental aspect of any profession to grow and better themselves.