Crafting the Tournaments Experience at Golden Palace’s Online Casino

  • Product Design
  • UI & UX Design
  • Web


01. Challenge

Design the complete experience that offers users a chance to win big prizes when betting in online games

02. Solution

Creating an integrated and complete experience in Golden Palace online casino for tournaments

03. Approach

A Movify UX/UI Designer to conceive the end to end experience in collaboration with business and development teams

04. outcome

A brand new section in the website with an intuitive and clear design that motivates users to participate in the tournaments

The challenge

Golden Palace online casino offered tournaments where players could win prizes when betting in particular games of their catalog. The main challenge was to conceive the entire digital experience: starting from the tournament announcement, and finishing when the winners are informed their prize is deposited into their wallet.


Tournaments consist of contests where, by betting on certain online games, players participate and can eventually win prizes, according to the position they finish in the ranking. They are a strategic commercial proposal that boosts user engagement, improves relations with game providers and helps to compete with other market players. For this reason, it was relevant to bring the full proposal to Golden Palace’s website.

The solution

The final solution consisted of a brand new section in the website where tournaments were displayed showcasing all the needed information for players to participate in and follow their progress. Also, a series of emails would be triggered for the winners guiding them on how they would retrieve their prizes.

The approach


We began by analysing the customer journey to understand the needs and expectations of players in each moment. In addition, through a benchmark we mapped how other competitors offered this feature so as to detect uncovered opportunities and market trends.

Business requirements and product definitions

We had a kickoff meeting to gather all the requirements by the business team. After that, we could co-created the product definitions through a user story map. This helped the team to be aligned on the expectations and agree on the features for the releases.

Defining the user story map

Low fidelity wireframes and feedback rounds

Once we reached a plan, it was time to make the ideas tangible by creating low fidelity wireframes. This step is of vital importance so as to make sure we were all on the same page. We went back to the business team to make sure this was aligned with their expectations.

Low fidelity wireframe

Feasibility checks with the IT team

So as to avoid falling into the common issue of designing an experience that doesn’t take into account the technical constraints and development capabilities, we showed our low-fidelity wireframes to the development team to test their technical feasibility. Still early in the process, we could make the necessary changes and adjustments and also gather valuable feedback and ideas from those who are going to bring our designs to life.

Detailed design, handoff and development support

After the design was validated by the team, we prepared the detailed design specifications and assets for implementation. Throughout the development process, we accompanied the developers and tested the feature before being launched.

The outcome

A brand new section in the website with an intuitive and clear design that motivates users to participate in the tournaments. Now they can follow up their progress in the leaderboard and be notified by email in case they win a prize.

Live new section on desktop and mobile
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